Monday, December 16, 2019
This class has been a roller coaster. I’ve never had a class like this, this was my first time, I’ve had ups and downs. I have felt like I’ve done good and bad. I have never been in an open source class I knew it existed but never really thought that it existed in our school.
I have learned a lot in the class from how to handle others options and just important life lessons from dr Preston. When I first entered the class I thought we were gona have a regular old English class, I don’t hate English I thinks it ok so I wasn’t bored or sad. I never heard about dr Preston before the first day of school however, usually when a teacher dose something different the word about it gets spread around. Dr Preston offered us to choose between an open source clad vs a regular class after he explained what an open source learning experience was, dr Preston left the class and I remember the whole clas just wondering “what the hell?” We just decided that we would say yes, even though I’m pretty sure no one knew what to expect from the new way of learning.
Once we started writing the journals and started doing stuff I realized how different it was. The
Journals weren’t different at all, since I’m pretty sure I’ve had the whole “write something as warmup” in some other English class before. The way we use our phones/technology instead of an English book is something I found pretty cool, I’m not sure if I even have an English book this year. I don’t think dr Preston took us to get the textbook. The course blog I think that’s what it’s called (just refer to it as the home blog) is something that is very different we learn from there instead of actual books/papper and we even have our own blog. From the course blog I also found out that dr Preston is a pretty big deal I think, having been on Ted talks, has his own webpage and taught at a pretty big university. Our blogs is the meat of the class I’d say, we write on there and that’s where we “turn in” assignments. Our blogs are different naturally from any other English class that I have had because of it being in our phone and stuff. I like the blog we arnt limites in when we are supposed to turn something in, it’s a turn it in before midnight type of thing and I like that, especially when I’m busy. I’m still confused if dr Preston wanted us to start posting daily just about life and stuff on our blogs however. The class hasn’t been too challenging, it has been but not too much. The hardest things I’ve done in the class would be the interviews and the poems but I feel that those are a given because we are exposing our selfs to people, I don’t mind too much but it is embarrassing. The interview and it’s build up was by far the hardest point in the class in my opinion. The resume and cover letter was pretty hard, (i still can’t figure out how to center the resume)the resumes was hard because I didn’t know what to put even though I had experiences and a template, at times I just thought that I wouldn’t do it I would just wing the interview, then dr Preston said that if we didn’t do it we fail the class, so I actually had to do it. Once I finished all 3 of them the resume, cover letter and reference sheet I was so proud and felt so accomplished “no more going to the library and printing” I thought to my self. The interview wasn’t as hard as I thought, I thought dr Preston was going to be super mean and strict and stuff but he wasn’t wich I was glad about. I have been in interviews before so many I had it easier but yea.
I adapted to the class pretty well I’d say, I built some routines that have helped me not only in English but other classes. The way of memorizing stuff I have used in every class not just English and I adapted to the blog pretty well, I post anything blog related around 8pm. And I check the home blog every day at school,I don’t really check it outside of school, vacation etc, I will though starting Christmas break. I have really enjoyed the class and I’m curious to see what we will do next semester I have some ideas and I’m really excited to see if those ideas are true, but I’ll just have to wait and see
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