Tuesday, April 21, 2020
One dynamic character from farenheit 451 is obviously montang, the main character. He hose from becoming a mindless sheep who follows the laws of a terrible future to being someone who is willing to break the laws and become a criminal just to be able to read a book and gain some knowledge. I think that when a character steps out of his bubble and dose something that he usually doesn’t do and changes for the better, that’s what makes a dynamic character. Another example of Montang becoming a dynamic character is when he realizes that he likes the company of people and likes having meaningful conversations instead of just boring no talking and meaningless conversations like when he first meets the girl (I fergot her name) and later when she dies Montana misses her and her wild questioning conversations
Journal topic 4/20
My personality is definitely not the same as when I was a kid. I’ve obviously matured and my views have changed a lot. I’m still pretty shy and quiet but I have changed drastically throughout the years. One of the things that have changed is how I look at the world, I think everyone changes when it comes to this it’s just what happens. Actually I don’t remember how I was as a kid but I’m pretty sure that I’ve changed theirs no way that I haven’t.
Friday, April 10, 2020
In the book I think America is the only country that is in the “dystopian” setting and the other countries are preparing to “save” the people of America. This is how I view it. I think ideals and religion is what motivates people to do certain things. In the book when the other nations start bombing America in there eyes they are doing good and are trying to save the people from the dystopian life style.however in the eyes of the American people (in the book) they are bad, well even though they are at war they don’t seem to understand and behave as if everything is ok. Religion and ideals is what drives people to commit extreme decisions
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Faber and Montana want to escape to a group of people who are different than the rest of society. People who read and are intelligent. They have planes things out but it’s not extremely plan out. The plan is going to fail and I have a gut wrenching feeling that faber is going to get burned along with his house I just feel it
April 7th journal
The most embarrassing thing I’ve done during quarantine is going out for groceries with my mom. I don’t mean that in a bad way, I haven’t had a hair cut in about 4 months and I have really curly hair so i felt embarrassed walking around with my hair cut. I wasn’t embarrassed being with my mom, though I’m sure she was embarrassed of being seen with me. She said I looked like a mushroom head
Montang wants to get in contact with Faber because he knows more than Montang. Montaña views Faber as a wise wizard with knowledge and in a way that’s true. In this world where no one reads and everyone is being like zombies. Faber with his knowledge that he attained from books is a light and Montana is a moth seeking to gain that knowledge because he got a small taste of it
April 6th journal
I usually don’t understand what I read in Spanish. I have to double up my focus in order to understand anything that I read. If I don’t do that I will simply not understand a word that I read. I remember when my friend who sits beside me in Spanish class helped me understand an article we were reading. I re-read it over and over again but I never reall understood it until he helped me
Sunday, April 5, 2020
I think Montana now hates his job. He feels “sick” because he realizes that he’s hurting everyone by doing his job. His job who he had believed was just and good, it’s actually h ur ting everyone/ humanity. Burning books is iba bad thing I think even a kid knows that. Burning books erases years of knowledge and wisdom from previos generations, not only that but when people burn books they usually do it because they want to hide something to prevent a revolt or threat their power.
I don’t think culture determines the curiosity of someone. Some people are just born more curious than others. I think that we all are curious but some are more curious than others
Friday, April 3, 2020
Journal April 3rd
My parents influence me. Not wanting to disappoint my parents is what influences me to behave good and get good grades. I don’t think I’m easily influenced by other people that are not not my family. I think Montang is so easily influenced because he is like a child. He doesn't know any better and this is because of the dystopian world that he lives in. He was raised to be a zombie and he’s a zombie. So now that he’s breaking out he’s starting to experience new stuff he’s amazed and is easily influenced by people
Thursday, April 2, 2020
My inner happiness
I think Beatty is right to some degree. Food, entertainment etc dose make me happy but I think that being happy mentality is what really makes you “happy”. I don’t know how to explain it but I guess I’ll try. If you have a broken leg and arm but your happy inside because you broke those limbs by saving a baby from falling off a building and now your famous, you feel good mentally and I guess physically. You might be hurt but u feel good. But if u just broke your legs by falling off a building and people think you clumsy you can eat all the food in the world, watch all the tv in the world and still be sad. I do agree with Beatty though
I think that no one really hates smart people. We already do celebrate the accomplishments of smart people maby not like football players, but the scholarships, collage opportunity’s, and job opportunity’s that those smart people get is more than enough in my opinion. They might not receive “fame” at school but they definitely will get rewarded for their intellectualism after school. But the reason as to why I think schools don’t make it a big deal as compared to sports is because it dosnt attract attention. When two rival football teams play against each other the whole city/town knows about it and even news Channels cover the game. I think that’s why schools don’t really teach the smart kids the same as athletes
United we stand?
I think independence is always a good thing. Not needing to rely on anyone for anything is good. You get to watch other suffer because they are so dependent on the help of others while you are good and getting work done. I guess it’s nice to get help but I thing that if u can do something alone with no real consequences for doing it alone you should stick to yourself
April 1st journal
I don’t really like Fahrenheit 451 it was an ok book but I definitely don’t think I would go out of my way to recommend it. I enjoyed the great gatsby much more than I enjoyed Fahrenheit 451. But there were some elements/moments that I did like from 451. In the commercial I would want to show the setting, the dystopian future where people burn books. It would be dark and gloomy because that’s what I imagined the book looks like. Dark cloudy and sad. That is until montang “breaks” out of that zombie like thing and starts reading books and eventually becomes a criminal. I would also highlight the roles of firefighters in here and how everyone feels empty and depressed. Despite all this I would also show the ressistance the group of people who read books and break the laws of the dystopian future
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
March 31 journal
I haven’t been writing the journals on here, I’ve been writing them in paper thinking that I’ll just turn them into dr Preston when we get back to school. Now things are starting to look like we might not go back to school anytime soon, so im going to start posting so that I don’t fail the class. I’ve finished reading Fahrenheit 451. Since there isn’t much to do and I actually like reading I’ve finished the book and I thought it was ok nothing special, I don’t see why it’s an American classic or anything. I do think it’s pretty cool how the author of the book was trying to date dr prestons grandmother though.
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Fahrenheit 451 essay
In Fahrenheit 451 the author shows us how the characters change despite the dystopian setting the book take place in, the only characte...
Today I got interviewed, how did I do?
Today I didn’t turn in my rèsumè. I have it typed up and everything I just don’t have a printer I work in the mornings in the cafeteria and ...
My personality is definitely not the same as when I was a kid. I’ve obviously matured and my views have changed a lot. I’m still pretty shy ...