Monday, September 30, 2019
Comparing Goodman brown and dream within a dream
The poem and the story have one thing a common, they both play with the idea of it could’ve been a dream it also couldn’t. I don’t see much similarities other than that
Dream within a dream POST
the poem “dream within a dream” that we read in Mr Preston today did remind me of my dreams. I’m the poem the guy is frustrated because the sand slips out of his hand. I’m real life dreams there’s anxiety or frustrating moments like being stuck in a high place or something. Reading the poem reminded me of that
Friday, September 27, 2019
My Essay Essay
Goodman brown goes for a walk and stumbles upon a pretty suspicious person. The person is the devil or some kind of evil entity and want to make Goodman brown worship the devil. Brown refuses and runs off claiming how strong his “faith” is. He soon shares everyone he knows worship the devil, people who he thought were good faithful people just like him. Goodman brown then goes the “ceremony and sees his wife worshipping the devil. Brown then wakes up the next day and everything is completely normal. Was he dreaming or did these events really unfold
I think that these events actually did happen there seems to be an amount of people that believe that Goodman brown was just having a bad dream but I don’t think that that’s the case. The people around him weee good people, or so Mr brown thought. But at night they completely changed and were the complete opposite of what Brown thought they were. If the people are completely two faced what is stopping them from turning back to normal the next day? Goodman brown just woke up, maybe he was drugged or passes out and everyone thought that If they played it cool he wouldn’t know, and if he claimed that he saw people, everyone worship the devil they could use that against him and say that he’s the heretic and kill him to keep their secret.
I think that these events actually did happen there seems to be an amount of people that believe that Goodman brown was just having a bad dream but I don’t think that that’s the case. The people around him weee good people, or so Mr brown thought. But at night they completely changed and were the complete opposite of what Brown thought they were. If the people are completely two faced what is stopping them from turning back to normal the next day? Goodman brown just woke up, maybe he was drugged or passes out and everyone thought that If they played it cool he wouldn’t know, and if he claimed that he saw people, everyone worship the devil they could use that against him and say that he’s the heretic and kill him to keep their secret.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Young good old bad
I think that stephan king got affected by Goodman brown so bad because he must be expiring something similar to what happened in the story. Maby Stephan king has some “fake” people around him who he once thought to be Amazing kind hearted people.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Time portfolio
I don’t know if Dr Preston wanted us to write this out or no, I’m in general confused about this, but I’m not risking it so ima just post it. I spend about an hour a day on the blog. I usually read what Dr Preston post and post what he told us to post.
Second literature analysis
I finished “The Giver” it was a good book and it it had themes. The most important theme in my opinion was individuality and freedom of choice. The society people live in the book made it so
That they could not be themselves( having to take a pill that suppressed their emotions) and a higher up person choosing what every individual would be for the rest of their lives. Some were chosen to be mothers where they would breed until they died, others teacher etc, our main character was givin the role of the giver. The giver is responsible for keeping memories of the past. In this time no one knows where’s we came from or what our history is like, except the giver. The main character has to relive events from humanity like the two world wars and other historical events this changes him as he has to deal with gruesome images and feeling of hatred (oh yea the memories he has he also feels, sorry if I’m not explaining well dr Preston) however you remember the pills I was talked about? The some of the memories the main character experiences are of humanity’s acts of kindness, courage and well humanity’s humanity. This makes the main character escape the dystopian utopian place and goes back to war th where the book leaves us off
That they could not be themselves( having to take a pill that suppressed their emotions) and a higher up person choosing what every individual would be for the rest of their lives. Some were chosen to be mothers where they would breed until they died, others teacher etc, our main character was givin the role of the giver. The giver is responsible for keeping memories of the past. In this time no one knows where’s we came from or what our history is like, except the giver. The main character has to relive events from humanity like the two world wars and other historical events this changes him as he has to deal with gruesome images and feeling of hatred (oh yea the memories he has he also feels, sorry if I’m not explaining well dr Preston) however you remember the pills I was talked about? The some of the memories the main character experiences are of humanity’s acts of kindness, courage and well humanity’s humanity. This makes the main character escape the dystopian utopian place and goes back to war th where the book leaves us off
Goodman brown
The book/story wasn’t scary. Hearing on how stepping king thought it was scary, I instantly thought it would be terrifying. I didn’t really think of it as scary, it was a good and interesting story for sure but not scary. I do believe that that events that Goodman brown experienced were in fact real. The people who worshiped the devil were seen as fake, living a double life and mr brown didn’t even realize. What’s not to say that next thing morning the people have just put their act again? I think that the events were real and that the people are just acting “fake”
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Internet security
de Preston gave a lesson on how to keep our emails, accounts safe from it being hacked. I don’t think that I’m gona encrypt my messages or emails nor will I send my password over multiple messages. I will however change my passwords every month on my email. Just to be safe
Friday, September 13, 2019
What do I think I’ve done well In
Today I didn’t turn in my rèsumè. I have it typed up and everything I just don’t have a printer I work in the mornings in the cafeteria and during lunch. I’m going to go after school and see if they can print it out for me. I think that I’ve done well in the blog posts. I’ve posted everything that I’ve been told too, except the Dr Seus book because I couldn’t post a vid that long. I try in the blog posts and in the journal entries in our notebook. The one thing that makes me proud about what I’ve done in the class so far is the poems. I managed to memorize two poems and juggle my other classes.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
My time
Ever since the school year started I haven’t had much time to do what I enjoy. I took one ap class last year and I passed it with a B. This year I’m taking two and ap spanish is easy and if I passes Ima recive the seal of biliteralcy. Ap us history is killing me. All I do now is read and worry about that class I study all day, I genuinely feel like im going to fail the class, because I can’t keep reading 10 pages a day. I only play video games in the weekend and while I play I’m still worrying about ap history. The good thing is that I wanna be a police officer so grades aren’t really important for me, but I still want all A’s and B’s
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Earth on the Turtles Back
In Dr Prestons class we read a myth called the earth on the turtles back. I’m pretty sure that this was a story on how earth was “created”. I don’t know what I thought about it, I just took it as another adaptation on how earth was created. A tutle holds land on it’s back to help human and boom, earth is created. It was a nice story I guess. It had morales and themes like never giving up help those in need etc. I do wonder what culture created this story? Dr Preston said native Americans but I think he was just giving out an example on how different cultures remember story’s
Monday, September 9, 2019
Today I was thinking
Today Dr Preston told us to write about how the vocabulary of others can impact how others look at us. I wrote down that when someone talks “dumb” or acts dumb I treat them like they are kids. I don’t know how to explain it but this is the best I can do. When someone also uses cuss words in every sentence I also look at them differently. All this made me reflect on my self and made me think about how I talk. I cuss a lot. I’m going to try and minimize they cussing I do .
Thursday, September 5, 2019
How I feel about essays
I didn’t really understand what dr. Preston ment by this so I’ll just say what I feel about essays? I don’t mind them but I don’t like them. If assigned one I’ll do it but I don’t want too. I’m used to writing and essay in 50min because of my other ap classes so it’s very stressful. Fr Preston said that he wants us to take our time when we write our essay so I’m already happy that I don’t have to write an essay in 50 min. I still don’t want to do it because it’s work, but ima do it.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Essay opinions
When I think of essay I feel like I procrastinate a lot and I also feel overwhelmed. I don’t think that I’m a very good at writing essays. In ap history we have to read a prompt and write in essay in 50min
It’s extremely stressfull and it’s made me want to cry every time I hear the world “essay”. I always manage to get a good grade on it, I’ll always try my best but I don’t like essays at all
It’s extremely stressfull and it’s made me want to cry every time I hear the world “essay”. I always manage to get a good grade on it, I’ll always try my best but I don’t like essays at all
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
First 50 pages
I’ve read the first 50 pages of the giver. It’s been interesting so far, it’s set in some kind of dystopian future where everyone seems well educated and everyone has set jobs. Set jobs like mom, dad, teacher , caretaker etc and these are jobs that are the only thing they do. Most importantly though everyone takes a pill which suppresses their emotions. I’m genuinely enjoying this book. I remember all the hype about “the giver” back in the day and I never really cared but I’m genuinely hooked on this book
Spooky internet rules
Today we learned about internet rules in class. I already knew most of these like copyright, and the whole you gotta put your own twist to something u copied so you don’t get in trouble, but mr Preston told us some stuff on how we can get prosecuted for breaking these rule. Me being someone who has broken these rules kinda got scared but it didn’t really last that long. Learning more in depth about internet rules was a good learning experience which will definitely come in handy if sometime in the future I need to do something internet related (I know this blog counts but I’m not counting it)
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Fahrenheit 451 essay
In Fahrenheit 451 the author shows us how the characters change despite the dystopian setting the book take place in, the only characte...
Today I got interviewed, how did I do?
Today I didn’t turn in my rèsumè. I have it typed up and everything I just don’t have a printer I work in the mornings in the cafeteria and ...
My personality is definitely not the same as when I was a kid. I’ve obviously matured and my views have changed a lot. I’m still pretty shy ...