Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Analysis of “Conscious of a Hacker”
The mentor is trying to say that he is just as smart or even smarter than the adults who run things(government,school, adults) and through his message, I think he did convay that he isn’t your tipical teen, I’m not saying he is smarter but he surly isn’t and average 16 year old. The mentor uses vocabulary that is not used by teens, examples being apathetic, sadists and manifesto. He uses these words to express himself witch is not what a young person should do. While I think that he is certainly smarter than an average teen, being able to hack and use pretty big words to express himself. I wouldn’t quite think that he is smarter than his intended audience.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Conscious of a Hacker
Today in mr. Preston’s class we read something called “conscious of a hacker” and was told to give my first impressions. I thought that that read was pretty cool. I imagine this was written back when computers were still pretty new and what the kid said was pretty wired for someone who is 16 years old.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Why are they constructing a new building while school just started
Today in Mr.Preston’s class he told us to ask a question and I asked”why are they constructing a new building during school time”. I genuinely asked this beachside the construction of the new building has made it annoying to go home and to be at school. When I’m walking home I have to now go around the construction area because they are blocking off the exit/entrance that Is a direct path to my home. During school time like lunch, break or passing time it is SUPER crowded and it takes some time to get moving from one side of the school to the other especially now that the new freshman have come, there’s much more freshman now than last year.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Your are not entitled to your opinion
People are not entitled to your opinion. I never knew what people ment when they said “I am entitled to my opinion” but I always found people who said that annoying. Now that I know what it means I think that no, you are not entitled to your opinion. My understanding of when people say that they are entitled to their opinion is that they believe that you must listen and agree to their opinion. I believe that every one has an opinion but no one has to agree or support your opinion. Whenever someone says this I think of them as an annoying type of person
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
How we were supposed to use our blog
We got lectured in class about how we weren’t posting in our blog. I had uploaded riches Cory to my blog, not the way Mr Preston told us how to beacause I uploaded during Saturday and at the time mr Preston hadn’t shown us how to get the code thing out of a video. I still found a way to upload it though. Today in class I also found out that I’m supposed to be posting daily on here ( I think) so I’ll be posting daily now. I thought we were only supposed to post when we had assignment. I’ll be posting daily now though
The right to your opinion notes
during our conversation in class about the article “the right to your option I learned some new things
•one persons right is another’s obligation
•freedom of speech it’s “real” examples are that if we were to threaten the president of the United States through the internet the FBI or CIA would show up and arrest us
•”local parenti” the reason as to why school can say what we can wear and cannot wear
• argument is a search for truth
•you are not entitled to your opinion
•one persons right is another’s obligation
•freedom of speech it’s “real” examples are that if we were to threaten the president of the United States through the internet the FBI or CIA would show up and arrest us
•”local parenti” the reason as to why school can say what we can wear and cannot wear
• argument is a search for truth
•you are not entitled to your opinion
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Right to your opinion
I recently read an article called “The Right to your opinion”. The article was pretty confusing to me but I think I understood something about it. The article wanted us to know our rights because of police harassment? It then gave us examples of rights that we think we have, but that we actually don’t . It also gave us right that we didn’t know we have.I found this article confusing because i don’t know it it was a serious article to help us against police or government harassment or if it was just a joke article.it starts off like a joke but it later gets serious and teaches us about our rights. So I’m gona just take it as a serious article.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Socratic Method
I skimmed through an article called “the Socratic method” and here’s what I understood. The Socratic method is the way teachers teach, a teacher poses a question and students answer. In the article there was an example of a teacher having a conversation with a student. The teacher asked the student if it was with being famous even if In order to become famous you must currently suffer, work hard, and live as a normal person. The student argued and said that it was worth it because while he would live as a “loser” right now in the future he would be happy and would no longer be a loser. The teacher ended the conversation by posing the question “with ups your status amongst your peers matter if you were to die tomorrow?” The teacher was against achieving a high status
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Welcome to Bryan’s Ramirezs blog. This is my very first post on this blog and my very first ‘blog’ experience ever. I have never blogged so forgive me if I make mistakes but, I will do my best. I havent memorized ‘Richard Cory’ at all and I’m starting to get scared because Friday is only two days away. (Edit)I have, I memorized the first chunk in class and it wasn’t too hard so I fell much better now. I’m currently taking two ap classes. Ap US history and ap spanish, I have my first test for both classes Friday and I’m kinda nervous. I took one ap class last year but I think I messed up trying to take two this year.
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Fahrenheit 451 essay
In Fahrenheit 451 the author shows us how the characters change despite the dystopian setting the book take place in, the only characte...
Today I got interviewed, how did I do?
Today I didn’t turn in my rèsumè. I have it typed up and everything I just don’t have a printer I work in the mornings in the cafeteria and ...
My personality is definitely not the same as when I was a kid. I’ve obviously matured and my views have changed a lot. I’m still pretty shy ...