In Fahrenheit 451 the author shows us how the characters change despite the dystopian setting the book take place in, the only character that actually changes is Montang but still we get to see him throughout his journey. Everyone in the book is characterized by society. Everyone is a zombie like person who has a non-existent attention span and are mindless. We get to see Montana change from that zombie like person to an enlightened individual who is willing to become a criminal and defy the society he lives In just to be different and be happy.
When we first meet Montang he is coming from work on a moving sidewalk, not thinking about anything and just staring mindlessly to what’s in front of him. This is the first example that we see on how people are so unaware of anything in this book. We find out that Montang is a firefighter but we later find out that in this dystopian future “firefighters” don’t actually fight fires but rather start them and burn down books. Back to Montang and him sliding his way home, he encounter a girl named clarisee. And this girl is different, she isn’t like everyone else she’s “enlightened” to what the world can offer and sparks a conversation with Montang. Montana is surprised an annoyed because in this future no one really talks to each other and no one asks these “deep” questions about life like clairese is asking. When clairese leaves Montang is relived but the girl leaves a lasting impression on montang and this encounter is the first example we see of Montang changing. In this horrible future books are outlawed and burned by these firefighters (montangs job) but we know that clarisee and Faber an old man read books and that’s why they are ”different” that’s why they ask questions.
After meeting clarisee Montang starts to question everything just like her. While at first he was mindless and didn’t have meaningful conversations with anyone, even his own wife. Montang eventually starts enjoying the company of clarisee and realizes that he enjoys the meaningful conversations that they share with each other. When clarise dies we know that it’s because of her possession of books, the author Disney tell us that but we know that’s what happens or at least that’s what I believe happened. This maníes Montang want to read books as he no longer has the company of clarisee to “enlighten” himself he looks for books and while books are rather extinct in this setting his job as a “firefighter” gives him an opportunity to snatch a book in one of his missions. Once he steals this book Montang becomes enlightened and starts to question his job, the society they live in, and his relationship with everyone. Montana realises that all of the things mention before are fake or wrong and begins to meetup with Faber, another enlightened person who becomes a story of mentor to montang. All of these actions shows us how much montang has grown and developed as a character as he goes from a mindless zombie to a thinking, questioning human being.
Eventually this hoarding of books and knowledge makes Montana a criminal and he runs away seeking a group of people who are like him and Faber. Faber mentioned that outside the city there are a group of people who are like them and Montana’s wishes to meet them to be happy and live a meaningful life. This once agin shows us development in characterization as no gang goes from serving the law as a ”firefighter” to being a criminal in hope to being able to escape this woolens of fake and unhappiness. At the end of the book Montana meets up with the group. We get to see Montang be happy.
The development that Montana undergoes despite the dystopian setting that he is placed in is very inspirational and I believe the author of the book, Ray bradberry. Shows us his thoughts and views through montang. The importance of doing what you think is right and what will make you happy and willing to to anything to stick to your guns and do what you believe is right even if it makes u become a criminal or outcast for society
Bryan’s Ramirez blog
Friday, May 1, 2020
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
One dynamic character from farenheit 451 is obviously montang, the main character. He hose from becoming a mindless sheep who follows the laws of a terrible future to being someone who is willing to break the laws and become a criminal just to be able to read a book and gain some knowledge. I think that when a character steps out of his bubble and dose something that he usually doesn’t do and changes for the better, that’s what makes a dynamic character. Another example of Montang becoming a dynamic character is when he realizes that he likes the company of people and likes having meaningful conversations instead of just boring no talking and meaningless conversations like when he first meets the girl (I fergot her name) and later when she dies Montana misses her and her wild questioning conversations
Journal topic 4/20
My personality is definitely not the same as when I was a kid. I’ve obviously matured and my views have changed a lot. I’m still pretty shy and quiet but I have changed drastically throughout the years. One of the things that have changed is how I look at the world, I think everyone changes when it comes to this it’s just what happens. Actually I don’t remember how I was as a kid but I’m pretty sure that I’ve changed theirs no way that I haven’t.
Friday, April 10, 2020
In the book I think America is the only country that is in the “dystopian” setting and the other countries are preparing to “save” the people of America. This is how I view it. I think ideals and religion is what motivates people to do certain things. In the book when the other nations start bombing America in there eyes they are doing good and are trying to save the people from the dystopian life style.however in the eyes of the American people (in the book) they are bad, well even though they are at war they don’t seem to understand and behave as if everything is ok. Religion and ideals is what drives people to commit extreme decisions
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Faber and Montana want to escape to a group of people who are different than the rest of society. People who read and are intelligent. They have planes things out but it’s not extremely plan out. The plan is going to fail and I have a gut wrenching feeling that faber is going to get burned along with his house I just feel it
April 7th journal
The most embarrassing thing I’ve done during quarantine is going out for groceries with my mom. I don’t mean that in a bad way, I haven’t had a hair cut in about 4 months and I have really curly hair so i felt embarrassed walking around with my hair cut. I wasn’t embarrassed being with my mom, though I’m sure she was embarrassed of being seen with me. She said I looked like a mushroom head
Montang wants to get in contact with Faber because he knows more than Montang. Montaña views Faber as a wise wizard with knowledge and in a way that’s true. In this world where no one reads and everyone is being like zombies. Faber with his knowledge that he attained from books is a light and Montana is a moth seeking to gain that knowledge because he got a small taste of it
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Fahrenheit 451 essay
In Fahrenheit 451 the author shows us how the characters change despite the dystopian setting the book take place in, the only characte...
Today I got interviewed, how did I do?
Today I didn’t turn in my rèsumè. I have it typed up and everything I just don’t have a printer I work in the mornings in the cafeteria and ...
My personality is definitely not the same as when I was a kid. I’ve obviously matured and my views have changed a lot. I’m still pretty shy ...